I started this blog so my daughters could find all of our family favourite recipes in one place. It has actually grown into more than just the family favourites but also other recipes we've tried out in our kitchen. I don't like to fill up the post with alot of chatter. Sometimes there's a little story to tell, but usually I like to get right to the point. So this is for them, but hope you find some recipes that you like as well. I'll be sharing a lot of recipes, and along the way you'll find some crafty things and maybe some helpful hints too! Welcome!

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Potato Halves on the BBQ

These potatoes can be prepared ahead of time so when your meat is finished on the BBQ and resting, just toss these on to grill them up. 

Take 4 potatoes (russet are good) and microwave until almost done.

When cool enough to handle cut the potatoes in half.
Melt together 1 tbsp butter with 1 tbsp olive oil.

Brush both the cut side and the skin side of each potato half with the melted butter/oil mix then sprinkle with some flavours you like.  I used garlic powder, paprika and oregano. Chili or onion powder works too.  If you like your potatoes hot, try a few drops of hot sauce in the butter/oil mix.

Grill about 8 minutes per side and serve. (Thanks to my cousin Stephen for this recipe)

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