I started this blog so my daughters could find all of our family favourite recipes in one place. It has actually grown into more than just the family favourites but also other recipes we've tried out in our kitchen. I don't like to fill up the post with alot of chatter. Sometimes there's a little story to tell, but usually I like to get right to the point. So this is for them, but hope you find some recipes that you like as well. I'll be sharing a lot of recipes, and along the way you'll find some crafty things and maybe some helpful hints too! Welcome!

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Easy Basil Propagation from Cuttings

From just one basil plant that I bought in the produce department of my local grocery story comes at least TWELVE new plants !!
Here's what you'll need:

1 full-sized basil plant 
sharp scissors
glass jars, vases, etc
You only need to start this process about 2-3 weeks before planting season in your area.
Take a 3-4 inch cutting from below a leaf node.
That is where the roots will start to sprout from. They'll end up sprouting most of the way up the stem.
Remove (and use!) the larger leaves on the bottom 2 inches of the cutting. You can leave the little leaves there.
Place cuttings in clean cool water
and set on a window sill.
Change the water each day to keep it fresh and before you know it (in less than a week) you'll start to see tiny roots.
And between 2-3 weeks you'll have little basil cuttings ready to plant.
Prepare your soil with compost and plant these little buddies!
Can't wait to make pesto !
I'll try to remember to post pics when all these plants get big and tall.

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